Babies, SOON
posted 02.23.2005 by Kristen

Today we had our final ultrasound. That's right, the last one before the big day! We have ultrasounds every 3 weeks, and the perinatologist is going to recommend to my OBs that I deliver in two weeks, so no more ultrasounds for us.

The reason is because the girls' growth is slowing a bit. At our last ultrasound, Baby A was estimated at 4 lbs. even and Baby B was estimated at 3 lbs., 9 oz. This time Baby A was estimated at 5 lbs. even and Baby B was 4 lbs., 11 oz. So they each gained about a pound in three weeks, but the average weight gain for this time period should be more like 1/2 pound to a pound per week. Everything is fine with them; it's just that their growth is starting to fall a little behind the curve. Sometimes, especially with identicals sharing a placenta, the placenta starts to break down toward the end of a twin pregnancy and it doesn't provide nutrition as well as it should, so it's better to just go ahead and deliver so the babies can grow better outside the womb.

I'm currently 35 weeks, and he's recommending that I deliver at 37 weeks, which is considered full term for twins. He also said that if I go into labor before then, they shouldn't try to stop it. Our next OB appointment is next Tuesday, March 1, so I assume we'll set a definite induction date then. Eek! Babies are really on their way now!

pop35w.jpg Also, this photo proves that I just have to give it up. I've DEFINITELY popped.


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