Cats in the Cradle
posted 02.21.2005 by Kristen
Yes, the cats seem to think that all the lovely equipment, etc., that we've brought into the house in the last several months is JUST FOR THEM! Clearly, why else would it be here if not for them? I figured it was inevitable that they'd sleep in the cribs. I mean, look at all that lovely late afternoon sunshine there is to soak up! And Mr. Kitty does look awfully saucy here, doesn't he? He knows I put this lovely mattress here just for him. You can see it in his eyes!
I mean, we've always known that he has a love for sleeping in anything small and circular, so the boppy was a natural for him.
I mean, I guess I did helpfully line the drawers with dozens of fleecy blankets and flannel sheets and terry-cloth changing pad covers and such. THAT I PUT IN THE CRIB DRAWERS SO THEY WOULDN'T GET CAT FUR ALL OVER THEM. Of course, that was before I realized that the kitties could find a way to get into the crib drawers. So all of that nice, freshly laundered stuff for the babies? Yep, back into the wash. And naturally, now that the crib drawers are empty? The cats have absolutely NO interest in sleeping there anymore. Sigh. Comments
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