Bilingual Girlies
posted 08.13.2007 by Kristen Probably most of you know that the girls' awesome daycare provider is from Bolivia and she speaks Spanish pretty much exclusively with them during the day, so las niñas are fully bilingual, which is totally cool and fascinating and entertaining. It's really interesting trying to figure out why they pick certain times to bust out with the Spanish. I think sometimes it's because the Spanish words are more fun to say, and also because sometimes there are things that you can just say in a more to-the-point way in Spanish than in English. Also you don't have to worry so much about using pronouns in Spanish since the verb often does the trick for you, which fits right in with toddler sentence construction in English! For a long time they were fixated on the word "manos" and used it in a couple of funny situations. We have this foaming pump soap, and they like us to pump some into their hands during bathtime. For a couple of months this desire was conveyed to us by them loudly saying, "Manos! MANOS!" and they essentially used the word "manos" as shorthand for soap. When we took them out to play in the snow for the first time, they had to learn the hard way why Mommy wanted them to leave their mittens on -- and they cried out "MAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNOOOOOOOOSSSSSS!" in anguish when they realized that snow was cold on bare little hands! Now they just say "hands" and "soap" and can even say complete sentences like "Hands cold, Mommy!" so we don't get "manos" thrown about all the time anymore. Now that their language skills are getting better they don't tend to use the Spanish directly with me anymore unless I speak to them in Spanish first, in which case they always answer in Spanish. (Which is kind of dangerous considering I have no Spanish skills to speak of! So often they answer me and I have NO CLUE what they're saying. Oops!) As soon as we walk through the door at daycare, though, the Spanish switch goes on and they start yammering away to Ximena and the 2 other kids. In fact, sometimes they get mad at me for speaking Spanish to them. Many times when they get an "ouchie" if I offer to give them a "besito" the response I get is, "No! No besito! KISS!!" This doesn't, however, mean they don't follow up with demands like, "Necesito Hello Kitty Band-Aid!" Even though they don't initiate conversations with me in Spanish, they do often speak to each other in Spanish, or a mixture of both Spanish and English. Tonight we were watching TV on my bed when Rita accidentally kicked Natalie a little bit as she was wallowing around. Natalie took offense: "Rita, no kicking! Cuidado!" Rita started to scoot over a bit, then noticed my feet were in the way, so she pushed them out of the way accompanied by, "Excuse me! Espacio! Dame espacio!" It is really amazing to watch their language skills just explode -- in two languages at once! Comments
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